We are pleased to announce that the online CAV manager is now available for Canadians to use! 

Applicants will receive a link to the Canadian background company along with step-by-step instructions and the JDI coupon code. This coupon code MUST be used for each background check. It tells the background company that the check is for one of our volunteers and guarantees that we are notified of the results. 

Individuals will no longer need to send the consent form, declaration form, or a copy of their ID to us in order to be processed. We are still working on adding a spot to upload files to the online system for any additional forms needed for renewals. 

With the online system, you will no longer receive a physical CAV card. Instead, you will receive an approval email that contains a printable CAV card with your expiration date and CAV number.

Please note that we will still accept applications and renewals via mail and email through Supreme Session in 2019. After session, the BOT would like all volunteers to use the online system. More details about this will be sent out in the next couple of months.

I have attached a few documents to this email to help with this transition. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Supreme office directly at:

phone: 402-592-7987 
email: sgc@iojd.org
233 W. 6th Street
Papillion, NE 68046