Bethel 52 Scavenger Hunt

Bethel #52 Langley 20701 Fraser Hwy, Langley, BC, Canada

Help #52 Fundraise for H.I.K.E! We will start at Eureka Masonic Hall at 12:00pm, then will go where the clues take us! $40 for a car load (Maximum 5 people)


#52 Springo Bingo Brunch

Bethel #52 Langley 20701 Fraser Hwy, Langley, BC, Canada

$10 cost (includes food and 1 bingo card)  


#52 Official Visit and Bake Raffle

Bethel #52 Langley 20701 Fraser Hwy, Langley, BC, Canada

Come join Bethel #52 for their Official Visit and Majority Ceremony for Miss Regan Holding Bake Raffle to follow meeting.


#52 Official Visit

Bethel #52 Langley 20701 Fraser Hwy, Langley, BC, Canada